Sunday, October 16, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new.

Last month I decided I wanted to get a new sewing machine.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to afford one right away but I decided to go to QC and see what they cost and figure out how long it would take me to save.  As luck would have it they were having a sale on a sewing machine.  I still wasn't going to be able to afford it that day but, much to my delight, they do lay away.  I went home and discussed it with Mom (told her my plan) and the next day I went and made my first payment.  A week later I went to make the second payment and discovered I had a little help from some very generous people I know and was able to take it home that day.  Here are pictures of the old and new machine.

This is my old machine.  It's some brand I have no idea what it is.  I got it at an over stock sale at Hobby Lobby 11 years ago.
This is my new machine.  It's a Viking sapphire 835.  It's really slick.  Everything is automatic and has a lot more stitch options to choose from.  It also has a bigger base space. I can fit the chenille blanket I am working on in there a lot easier than the other one.  I am going to miss the smiley face sticker I put on the other one though.

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